💳 Big things are happening in the credit card world...

💸 Visa & Mastercard are shelling out billions to biz owners

Are you in the majority here? More than 90% of eligible people in America don’t file their claims! Chances are that this could be you.

Our team has found it's typically a lack of understanding of what class actions are or a lack of awareness of what cases are out there.

We're here to change that.

Could I really be eligible for a settlement recovery? Probably!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter! Inside, you’ll find that we're:

  • Dedicated to dropping the news, not bombarding your inbox.

  • Providing our take on important cases, news, updates and more.

  • Bringing you news of what’s going on in the class action world that directly impacts you, and empowering you get a some of it back.

Get connected, get informed, and let's make a difference together.

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Highlighted Settlement

Big things are happening for business owners in the class action world! After thirteen years of litigation, this case is officially settlement ready. 

The big case: the Payment Card Settlement, AKA the landmark Visa Mastercard Interchange Settlement. Here’s the case low-down.

Class Member Criteria:

  1. 🗓️ Were you in business between January 1, 2004 - January 25, 2019?

  2. 💳 Accept Visa or Mastercard branded debit or credit card swipes?

If you answered yes to both of these, you could be eligible to reclaim your share of the record $5.54 billion settlement!

What Happened?

Both independently and together, Visa and Mastercard, along with their member banks, were allegedly forcing you to pay excessive interchange fees and violating antitrust laws.

These interchange fees are typically 1-2% of every card transaction, meaning they add up over the years. Your actual payout will be determined by your proportional (“pro rata”) share of total fees paid. This is a historic case and is expecting significant merchant recoveries.

Now What?

The deadline to file your claim is May 31st. Hit the button below to file with our 1-step claim filing agreement or follow the link to learn more about this historic case... Learn more.

🎙️In Other News🎙️

Interested in checking out more cases? Check out our website for our full list of open settlements.

Prefer Videos? We’ve got you covered.

Check out our first "Intro to Class Actions" where we break down 1) what a class action lawsuit is and 2) why it's a powerful legal tool. Take the first step to reclaiming what's yours!

Now, Let's Get Our Learn On!


What you'll learn in the next 3 minutes (or less)

☑️ What is a class action lawsuit? 

☑️ Who is involved?

☑️ What's the goal? 

🤔 What is a Class Action Lawsuit?

A class action is a type of lawsuit filed by an individual or a group, either personally or through a business, representing a larger group of people (or businesses) known as the “class”. Each individual in the class is referred to as a "class member" and shares a similar claim or grievance from a common issue such as harm caused by a defective product, unfair business practices, or other types of wrongdoing. 

How Does it Work?

The class representatives, or “lead plaintiffs”, are that smaller group of individuals that file the lawsuit on behalf of the entire group. The court then determines whether the case can proceed as a class action, considering factors such as the 1) size of the class, 2) common legal issues, and 3) whether it's more efficient to resolve the claims collectively or through numerous individual lawsuits.

What's the Goal?

A lead plaintiff’s aim is to secure compensation for this substantial group that faced similar harm. Class actions often provide an avenue for individuals with smaller claims that normally would be difficult to pursue on their own by banding together to seek justice collectively. 

Successful class actions can result in settlements or court judgments providing:

  1. Compensation

  2. Remedies, or

  3. Changes in behavior by the defendant to benefit the entire class.

In the end, class actions play a vital role in addressing widespread injustices, consumer rights violations, corporate misconduct, and other legal issues affecting a large group of individuals.

Who Are We?

We're Class Action Connection, your go-to resource for class actions news, education and straightforward claim filing answers. We're dedicated to bringing you the latest in settlement news and helping you file your claim so you don't miss out on your owed recovery payment. File your claim with us today!

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💻 Check out our website today to file your claim with us.

⏱️ Don't put it off, file before the filing period closes on these cases!

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Fun Fact #1: In 1938, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure formally introduced class action procedures, making it easier for groups of individuals to bring forward collective legal action. Wow, pretty cool that this whole journey officially kicked off 85 years ago! 

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We’re all trying our best to be smart people and make responsible choices here. Nothing in this newsletter is legal or financial advice and content is created for informational and educational purposes only. If you are looking for legal and/or financial advice, help yourself out and hire a professional. We appreciate you checking out our newsletter and look forward to bringing more exciting (and dollar filled) settlement opportunities to your inbox! 🤞🤞🤞


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