Can't Hear Me Now?

💸 Verizon Wireless paying $100M back to monthly phone plan users


In today’s newsletter:

📵 Verizon Wireless… has a hefty $100 million bill to pay.
 What Else? See what other cases CAC is filing for.
🎬 Video #1: just in case you missed it the first time 😉 
📚 Get smart: Find out why class actions are a powerful legal tool.

Get this email and this and think, “Could I really be eligible for a settlement recovery?” Well the answer is, Probably!

🎉 We’re happy you’re here!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter! Inside, you’ll find that we're:

1: Dedicated to dropping the news, not bombarding your inbox.
2: Providing our take on important cases, news, updates and more.
3: Bringing you news of what’s going on in the class action world that directly impacts you, and empowering you get a some of it back.

Get connected, get informed, and let's make a difference together.

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📵 Can’t Hear Me Now? 

Verizon Wireless is paying $100 million back to monthly phone plan users in the Verizon Administrative Charge Settlement. Here’s the low-down.

Class Member Criteria
🗓️ Have a Verizon Wireless plan between January 1, 2016 - November 8, 2023?
📱 Pay that bill at the end of the month (i.e., wasn’t a pre-paid plan)?

Yes to both? If you answered yes to both of these, you could be eligible to reclaim your share of the record $100 million settlement!

What Happened?
Verizon allegedly charged you a monthly administrative fee or a telecom recovery fee unfairly and without adequate disclosure.

What’s That Mean?
It means that if you qualify (based on the class criteria above), you could be eligible to a repayment of $15 - $100, depending on how long you’ve had an active account and how many people file their claim.

If you don’t qualify (e.g., don’t have a Verizon plan), don’t submit a claim. But don’t worry, we’ll hit you on the next one!

Now What?
Take less than 5 minutes to file your claim with us! The deadline to file your claim is April 15th. Hit the button below to file with CAC’s 1-step claim filing agreement or follow the link to learn more... Learn more.

🎙️In Other News🎙️

Interested in checking out more cases? Check out our website for our full list of open settlements.

🎥 We’ve got you covered 🎬  

Check out our first "Intro to Class Actions" where we break down 1) what a class action lawsuit is and 2) why it's a powerful legal tool.

We’re busy making more but check out the channel and take the first step to reclaiming what's yours!

📚 Let’s get our learn on! 🎓

In 3 minutes (or less), you’ll learn:

☑️ How class actions are practical
☑️ How they streamline the process
☑️ And, how they level the playing field for the small guy

🤔 Why are Class Actions a Powerful Legal Tool?

Why would anyone consolidate multiple individual actions into a single lawsuit when everyone could pursue their own case? Well, there are a few reasons...

It's often found that combining these individual actions into a single lawsuit is frequently more practical for the plaintiff, the court, and the defendants involved, meaning that the courts see results and ensure that all class victims are able to receive an equitable distribution of the harm caused. 

Streamline the Process 
Class actions involve a singular set of witnesses, experts, documents, and issues, making it simpler and more cost-effective for a single law firm to manage one comprehensive case, rather than multiple firms handling multiple separate cases. 

Multiple cases / plaintiffs / lawsuits over the same issue can involve different judges, courtrooms and can slow down the legal system. Early plaintiffs may successfully win and receive all of the insurance proceeds or the defendant's assets, but then leave little or no compensation for those who win their cases at a later stage. Class actions work well because they only involve a single judge and courtroom, preventing congestion in court schedules caused by duplicative cases.

Larger Scale Levels the Playing Field
Increased scale can help level the playing field. How? Corporations are facing many claims now, meaning there is an increased likelihood of settling the case and also incentivizing genuine change in its conduct to avoid this in the future. But why does this level the playing field? Oftentimes it would be hard to make a case for damages that wouldn’t be worth the expense to pursue separately - but together the scales tip. Here’s an example: 

A bank might be charging illegal fees of $20 to $100 dollars to millions of customers. Because the damages are so small, it wouldn't be worth the time, effort, and expense for a lawyer to bring a $100 lawsuit for each and every customer. BUT, one class-action case claiming several hundred million dollars on behalf of millions of Americans is worth the time of the class members, lawyers and the court system.

🤔 Who Are We Again?

We're Class Action Connection, your go-to resource for class actions news, education and straightforward claim filing answers. We're dedicated to bringing you the latest in settlement news and helping you file your claim so you don't miss out on your owed recovery payment. File your claim with us today!

☑️ What’d you think of today’s newsletter? Hit reply to let us know!
🧐 Got questions? Send it to us so we can answer it in this newsletter.
💻 Check out our website today to file your claim with us.
⏱️ Don't put it off, file before the filing period closes on these cases!
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Fun Fact: The 2000’s saw numerous class actions addressing issues related to privacy breaches and data security, reflecting the growing impact of technology on legal matters, and everyday life. If you filed your Instagram IL BIPA case with CAC, you already know a little something about this!

–––📝 FINE PRINT 🖨 ––––

We’re all trying our best to be smart people and make responsible choices here. Nothing in this newsletter is legal or financial advice and content is created for informational and educational purposes only. If you are looking for legal and/or financial advice, help yourself out and hire a professional. We appreciate you checking out our newsletter and look forward to bringing more exciting (and dollar filled) settlement opportunities to your inbox! 🤞🤞🤞

PLEASE NOTE: You do not have to use a third party like CAC and can always file a claim on your own. If you are a settlement class member, you must complete and submit a valid Claim Form in order to receive a payment. You may request a Claim Form by calling the Settlement Administrator or visiting their website for that particular case. Happy filing!


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