💰What would you do with an extra $664?

Let's dive into why class actions matter and how activism can help pad your wallet.

💰 What would you do with an extra $664?

What you’ll see in today’s newsletter:

💸 An extra $664? Let’s check out some past case payouts.
🌎 SNIPPETS: What’s live and what else are we tracking?
📱Getting Social: scroll away, we’re on social media too.

Get this email and this and think, “Could I really be eligible for a settlement recovery?” Well the answer is, Probably!

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💰What would you do with an extra $664?
Let's dive into why class actions matter and how activism can help pad your wallet.

Source: Giphy

So you’ve heard of them, but WHY do class actions matter?
🕦 Yeah, they take a little time.
😅 Yeah, they take a little effort. 
🔄 Yeah, they require a little patience waiting for your check…

But would you go a little out of your way to pick up $5 on the sidewalk? If you would, we’re looking for you! In most cases, that’s the same effort as it takes to file your claim but typically with a much better return. 

We make it easy to find your claims, file your claims, and bring you more cases that you can claim — that’ll definitely add up over time.

$664… that’s an oddly specific, isn’t it?
Yeah, it is. Some people say, “filing your class action claims isn’t worth it.” Or they may say, “they don’t matter.” Well, let’s take a look back at a few recent cases and see if that’s true.

If you filed for:

2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣7️⃣ Uber TCPA case, you could’ve received ~$127
2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣8️⃣ Target Flushable Wipes case, you could’ve received ~$22
2️⃣0️⃣1️⃣9️⃣ Bertolli Olive Oil case, you could’ve received ~$20
2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ Wells Fargo Unauthorized Accounts case, you could’ve received ~$100
2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣1️⃣ Facebook Biometric Privacy case, you could’ve received ~$345
2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ Facebook Cambridge Analytica case, you likely will receive ~$30 (in process)
2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣3️⃣ Instagram Biometric Privacy case, you likely will receive ~$20 (in process)

Add that up, you’re looking at ~$664… not bad for about 30 mins of effort. That’s a better hourly rate than I make!

What if I’m not in it for the money?
Well, beyond those paychecks, am I really making an impact?

Many people wonder about this, especially when they see that individual payouts may appear modest when compared to the overall settlement headline figure ($5M, $100M, $5B, etc. etc.). However, even though the financial benefit for each individual may seem minor, the cumulative effect can be significant. Class action lawsuits not only offer compensation to those affected but also frequently result in changes to laws, regulations, or corporate behaviors, ultimately benefiting society at large.

So whether it’s getting back your ~$664 one chunk at a time or you’re in it to make positive waves, class actions seem worth it to us, which is why we’re here. 

Now What? 
If getting your fair share back or affecting change in society (or both) sounds good to you, join us and check out what settlements are ticking against the clock. Hurry though, they don’t always stay for long…


Cases Already in Countdown Mode:

💳 Visa & Mastercard are settling a massive $5.54 billion settlement that is open top U.S. business owners…
📵 Verizon Wireless is paying a hefty $100 million settlement that is open to its monthly plan account holders… 
👁️ Grande Cosmetics is paying up to $150 back to customers who used GrandeLASH-MD, GrandeBROW, or GrandeHAIR serums…
BONUS POINTS: Get up to an additional $150 back if you have proof of two purchases or more!
🐔 Bulking or Cutting Season? Either way, if you purchased fresh or frozen raw chicken, you may be eligible for compensation from some of the biggest names in the chicken game…

Still Getting Ready for Their Big Night Out:

🛩️ Fly Recently? If you flew on American, Delta, Southwest or United, they allegedly limited capacity on flights to overcharge you...  
🔍 Search in Incognito? Google may have tracked your (and millions of other Americans) data while you were browsing privately...

Check out our website for our full list of open settlements.

🤳 We’re There Too, Scroll Away📱

🤔 Who Are We Again?

We're Class Action Connection, your go-to resource for class actions news, education and straightforward claim filing answers. We're dedicated to bringing you the latest in settlement news and helping you file your claim so you don't miss out on your owed recovery payment. File your claim with us today!

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💻 Check out our website today to file your claim with us.
⏱️ Don't put it off, file before the filing period closes on these cases!
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Fun Fact: The first recorded class action lawsuit in the United States was in 1842, involving the representation of several women in Massachusetts who sought better working conditions.

–––📝 FINE PRINT 🖨 ––––

We’re all trying our best to be smart people and make responsible choices here. Nothing in this newsletter is legal or financial advice and content is created for informational and educational purposes only. If you are looking for legal and/or financial advice, help yourself out and hire a professional. We appreciate you checking out our newsletter and look forward to bringing more exciting (and dollar filled) settlement opportunities to your inbox! 🤞🤞🤞

PLEASE NOTE: You do not have to use a third party like CAC and can always file a claim on your own. If you are a settlement class member, you must complete and submit a valid Claim Form in order to receive a payment. You may request a Claim Form by calling the Settlement Administrator or visiting their website for that particular case. Happy filing!


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