What happens to leftover payout funds PLUS a Deadline Alert: Verizon Users - Apr 15th!
Class actions helped TurboTax read their own disclaimers (in commercials now)
Incoming Deadline – time is short, file your claim by April 2nd...
Class actions affecting real change… and those affected can seek recovery and changes going forward.
…and what it means for card accepting merchants – the $5.5 Billion Visa Mastercard Settlement, revisited.
The alleged price fixing continues… the Pork Antitrust Litigation’s $75M settlement
Plus, Temu delivered more than just cringey commercials to consumers...
More alleged price fixing affecting 🫵... the Broiler Chicken Antitrust $181M settlement
...or maybe thats an allergic breakout? Grande Cosmetics is settling a $6.25M settlement.
Let's dive into why class actions matter and how activism can help pad your wallet.
💸 Verizon Wireless paying $100M back to monthly phone plan users
💸 Visa & Mastercard are shelling out billions to biz owners